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Intravenous and inhalational anesthetics, MCQs for test review

I believe some of the questions ( developed by the UMKC School of Medicine) in this set would be more suitable for an anesthesiologist or anesthesia resident than for a medical student in the pre-clinical years. However, most of them are regular questions from classic pharmacology textbooks. I hope you find them useful.
Item Number: correct answer: 2 category: Anesthetics
1. All of the following factors influence the rate of induction of anesthesia
with an inhaled anesthetic EXCEPT:
1. aqueous solubility of the anesthetic
2. patient history of malignant hyperthermia
3. ventilation rate
4. tension of gas administration
5. pulmonary blood flow rate
For questions 2 - 9, choose the correct answer from the following list. Each
answer may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
Anesthetic Partition Minimum Alveolar
Coefficient Concentration (MAC)
1. halothane 2.30 0.75
2. enflurane 1.80 1.68
3. nitrous oxide 0.47 105.00
4. isoflurane 1.40 1.15
5. methoxyflurane 12.00 0.16
Item Number: correct answer: 3 category: Anesthetics
2. The blood:gas partition coefficient is the ratio of anesthetic concentration
in blood compared to gas phase. Greater solubility in blood results in slower
onset of anesthesia and higher partition coefficient value. Which anesthetic
has the fastest onset of action?
Item Number: correct answer: 5 category: Anesthetics
3. The minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) is the concentration of anesthetic at
1 atmosphere of pressure that produces immobility in 50% of patients exposed
to a noxious stimulus. Which anesthetic is most potent by this measure?
Item Number: correct answer: 3 category: Anesthetics
4. A good analgesic at subanesthetic doses
Item Number: correct answer: 3 category: Anesthetics
5. The anesthetic that may be most safely used in a patient with a history of
malignant hyperthermia?
Item Number: correct answer: 1 category: Anesthetics
6. Anesthetic associated with the highest incidence of hepatitis.
Item Number: correct answer: 2 category: Anesthetics
7. The anesthetic which should be avoided in patients with a seizure disorder
because tonic-clonic seizures are associated with its use.
Item Number: correct answer: 4 category: Anesthetics
8. The halogenated anesthetic which is advantageous in patients with
cardiovascular disease because it maintains cardiac output, produces systemic
and coronary vasodilation, and catecholamine dependent arrhythmias are
Item Number: correct answer: 5 category: Anesthetics
9. This anesthetic has become obsolete due to its potential for causing
For questions 10 - 13, choose the correct answer from the following list. Each
answer may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
1. thiopental
2. propofol
3. ketamine
4. etomidate
5. fentanyl
Item Number: correct answer: 4 category: Anesthetics
10. The intravenous anesthetic with excitatory effects on the central nervous
system but produces the least cardiovascular disturbance among intravenous
Item Number: correct answer: 2 category: Anesthetics
11. Anesthetic that must be administered in a lipid diluent due to poor aqueous
Item Number: correct answer: 3 category: Anesthetics
12. In contrast to most anesthetics, this agent produces cardiac stimulation,
resulting in increased blood pressure, heart rate and cardiac output.
Item Number: correct answer: 5 category: Anesthetics
13. Anesthetic frequently used for analgesia during surgery. Large doses induce or
maintain anesthesia but mechanical ventilation required due to profound
central respiratory depression.
Item Number: correct answer: 4 category: Anesthetics
14. True statement regarding thiopental:
1. causes increased EEG activity
2. contraindicated in a patient with epilepsy
3. provides analgesia
4. associated with dose-dependent respiratory depression
5. provides adequate skeletal muscle relaxation alone
Item Number: correct answer: 2 category: Anesthetics
15. False statement regarding propofol as an anesthetic:
1. pharmacokinetic half-life does NOT correlate with duration of central
nervous system depression
2. provides adequate skeletal muscle relaxation alone
3. vasodilation may produce a decline in blood pressure. Can be minimized
by decreasing dose.
4. safe alternative for patients predisposed to malignant hyperthermia
5. high lipophilicity provides rapid and smooth onset, dose titratability,
and rapid recovery from anesthesia
Item Number: correct answer: 1 category: Anesthetics
16. FALSE statement regarding ketamine as an anesthetic:
1. contraindicated in a patient with asthma because it may cause
2. recovery from anesthesia associated with emergence phenomenon of
hallucinations and vivid dreams
3. produces dissociative anesthetic state, whereby patient appears awake
but is unconscious
4. produces analgesia
Item Number: correct answer: 4 category: Anesthetics
17. Correct statements regarding etomidate include all EXCEPT:
1. inhibits adrenocortical function
2. no adverse effects from adrenocortical inhibition during short-term use
3. produces minimal cardiovascular effects
4. potent hypnotic with excellent analgesic properties
5. safe alternative for a patient with unstable cardiovascular status
Item Number: correct answer: 3 category: Anesthetics
18. TRUE statement regarding midazolam as an adjunct to anesthesia:
1. provides analgesia
2. provides adequate skeletal muscle relaxation alone
3. useful for ameliorating seizure activity
4. produces cardiovascular stimulation
5. contraindicated in patients with asthma or COPD
Item Number: correct answer: 2 category: Anesthetics
19. FALSE statement regarding bupivacaine, a local anesthetic with a molecular
structure that includes an amide linkage.
1. undergoes hepatic metabolism
2. rapidly hydrolyzed by plasma esterase enzymes
3. contraindicated in a patient with a history of allergy to lidocaine
4. higher dose necessary to induce epidural anesthesia than spinal
5. higher risk of systemic side effects when used for epidural anesthesia
compared to spinal anesthesia
Item Number: correct answer: 4 category: Anesthetics
20. FALSE statement regarding local anesthetics:
1. produce effects by inhibiting voltage gated sodium channels
2. inhibition of sodium channels enhanced by repetitive depolarizations
3. small nerve fibers more susceptible than large nerve fibers
4. all sensory functions of a nerve affected equally at onset of anesthesia
5. vasoconstriction prolongs duration of action
Item Number: correct answer: 5 category: Anesthetics
21. Treatment of malignant hyperthermia includes all of the following EXCEPT:
1. cessation of anesthetic and changing of rubber tubing to anesthesia
2. administration of dantrolene sodium 1mg/kg by rapid intravenous infusion
until symptoms subside
3. hyperventilation of patient with 100% oxygen
4. administration of fluids and diuretics to control myoglobinemia and
5. lidocaine is indicated for arrhythmias

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